There are thousands of WordPress websites on the internet getting the issue of slow loading speed because of unnecessary files, scripts loading in their website. It makes the website take a lot of time to load it and the website does not need to use it much, but it still there to load along with the website when the visitors hit the website.

The truth that is a lot of people really doesn’t know about this issue. So, what is the way to help the WordPress website load faster and remove the scripts that slow the website down? Perfmatters WordPress plugin is a solution to solve this issue.

PerfmattersCoupon codes
10% off Perfmatters WordPress PluginCODE: PERFMATTERS
15% off Perfmatters WordPress PluginCODE: WPCOUPONS
15% off Perfmatters WordPress PluginCODE: WOORKUP

Disable emojis, embeds, dashicons
Disable unnecessary scripts and assets you might not be using on your site, such as emojis, embeds, dashicons, etc. The emojis sometimes we really don’t need to use but it still is loaded with the website. If you use emojis, please don’t turn on this button.

Remove query strings
Remove query strings from static resources to improve caching and fix warnings on speed tests.

Disable or limit post revisions
Disable or limit the number of post revisions that WordPress stores to keep your database from growing out of control.

Change autosave interval
Keep fewer auto-drafts by changing your autosave interval. It also decreases the annoying “there is a more recent version” warning.

Disable and tweak Heartbeat API
WordPress Heartbeat API is a feature that allows your browser to automatically communicate with the server. However, there are a couple of drawbacks to this feature. WordPress Heartbeat API provides a communication protocol, using AJAX calls, between browser and server. Heartbeat can cause high CPU usage and a crazy amount of AJAX calls. You can disable Heartbeat and also change the frequency.

Disable comments and URLs

If your site has a lot of spam comments, it also slows down your website. Disable comments site-wide to reduce spam, or remove author comment links to stop people from just trying to get a backlink.

Disable WooCommerce cart fragments (AJAX)
The wc-ajax=get_refreshed_fragments request can cause huge delays on WooCommerce sites. Disable cart fragments on your site

More Key Features:

  • Disable WooCommerce scripts and styles
  • Disable XML-RPC
  • Remove jQuery migrate
  • Remove WordPress version
  • Remove wlwmanifest link
  • Remove RSD link
  • Remove shortlink
  • Disable RSS feeds
  • Remove RSS feed links
  • Disable password strength meter
  • Add blank favicon
  • Disable self pingbacks
  • Disable REST API
  • Remove REST API links
  • Disable Google Maps
  • Disable Google Fonts
  • Disable WooCommerce widgets
  • Disable WooCommerce status meta box

Read all features here: